In any case, it's funny what some sunshine can do to you, because biking home from the gym this morning, I forgot about my anger at our stupid team, I forgot my rants about how many wins being the second highest paid team in the National League can bring, and I forgot that I say, walking home from yet another lost cause, I'm never going to a game again this year. I passed by good buddies walking to the ballpark, some dressed in Cubs garb, some dressed in Sox bollocks, all geared up for a party at the crosstown sequel. And I thought to myself, this is what's great about baseball, despite the home plate brawls and stupid fans. Long-distance friendship that lasts the length of the Addison and 31st Red Line L stops.
Luckily for me, but unfortunately for us, all of my good friends are Cubs fans. So when the Pucketts and I settled into outfield box seats yesterday for what we hoped to be a series-evening game with the Brew Crew, we thought that the Cubs would be kind enough to bestow a nice anniversary gift for Ryan and Joanne. However, leaving runners in scoring position on base in the seventh, eighth and ninth innings was very inconsiderate, but at least Joanne got a good look at Todd Walker from behind from our excellent seats. Being next to the Brewers' bullpen, I kept yelling out to Danny Kolb, but he ignored me, and I wanted to tell Derrick Turnbow to cut his hair.

Chicago Cubs vs. Milwaukee Brewers, June 29, 2006. Section 38, Row 5, Seat 7. $54.00. Cubs 4 Brewers 5.