Monday, October 02, 2006

Goodbye MacFail, Hello McDon'tKnow

Nobody ever said running a baseball team was easy, Moneyball or Thunderball or hardball, natch. But it helps if you've made astute player transactions and team makeovers that have turned losing teams into winning teams. Or at least respectable teams.

So Andy MacPhail, 12-year Cubs president and sometimes general manager resigned in shame yesterday. He left the same team he picked up, with just a few blips of hope that went nowhere, like steps in an M.C. Escher drawing. Filling in for the interim is John McDonough, marketing VP. Keep in mind, "interim" for the Cubs is like Dusty Baker finishing the season as manager after he and the team played themselves out of any self-esteem by the end of May.

Looking forward to increasing the sales of pink Cubs shit.

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